I am Edmond Payne

Author Novelist

Welcome to the extraordinary world of “Jahvannie: The Superpowered Odyssey.” Step into a post-pandemic universe, where fate piles a unique tale of an ordinary baby boy turned extraordinary by destiny. Our journey inaugurates with the lives of Darren and Una, ordinary parents leading steady lives until an unanticipated event changes their life completely. Witness the charming narrative of their love, their dreams, and the joy of Jahvannie’s arrival into their lives. However, the story takes an overwhelming turn when a defective baby formula grants Jahvannie supreme superpowers. Delve into amazement and wonder as his extraordinary capabilities unfold, turning the ordinary into the extraordinary. Embark on an unforgettable adventure filled with love, sacrifice, and the unbending spirit of a family destined to navigate unexplored territories. Experience the thrill of beholding a superpowered odyssey that will leave you breathless and yearning for more.


Edmond Payne

Introducing the creative mind behind the fascinating tales you're about to embark upon, Edmond Payne! Hailing from the charming town of Williamston, settled in the heart of North Carolina, Edmond's roots run deep, and the family holds the utmost worth in his life.

As you explore into his works, you'll soon discover that Edmond's passions extend far beyond the serene streets of his hometown. A true enthusiast of basketball, he finds comfort and inspiration on the court, where the pace of the game mirrors the pulse of his storytelling. Education is another flame that burns brightly within him, for he believes in the transformative power of knowledge and its ability to shape minds and hearts alike. Through his power of words, Edmond Payne invites you to experience life's wonders, through tales that capture the transformative power of literature.

The Early Years


Our journey inaugurates with the lives of Darren and Una, ordinary parents leading steady lives until an unanticipated event changes everything. Witness the charming narrative of their love, their dreams, and the joy of Jahvannie’s arrival into their lives. However, the story takes an overwhelming turn when a defective baby formula grants Jahvannie supreme superpowers.

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